Checklist to populate - Microsoft Community

hello everyone,

i looked long time answer question, apologise if has been answered on thread already.

i need set document allows me add/remove or show/hide various pages dependent on whether corresponding checkbox in index checked or not. purpose of coshh assessments. spend hours day compiling coshh data our health & safety files, made simpler creating document hard work us.

it needs work checked box shows corresponding page. unchecked checkbox needs hide page.


1.01 bleach

1.02 surface cleaning fluid

1.03 heavy duty degreaser

for projects, need use 1.01 bleach , 1.03 heavy duty degreaser. until have swayed between combining separate pdfs of each coshh assessment , deleting pages master document in adobe acrobat. both of these take long have 250+ assessments consider each project.

in ideal world, have 1 a4 index of assessments, checkboxes indicating coshh assessments necessary project. document should populate particular assessments 1 seamless document printing.

i have access ms word 2016 , adobe acrobat dc. hope have given enough information.

any advice appreciated.

moved from: office / word / other/unknown / office 2016

my recommendation custom vba or vsto add-in accessed via custom button on word ribbon. add-in brings checkbox menu choose various assessments include.

each assessment stored separate document in specific directory on system. add-in routine merges each selected assessment single project document.

if familiar vba coding can write yourself, otherwise you'll need source out.

i hope helps

Office / Word / Microsoft Office Programming / Office 2016


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