How to get the standalone version of Outlook 2016. - Microsoft Community

i don't it!  microsoft won't sell stand alone copy of outlook 2016 outlook 2016 if pay yearly subscription appropriate microsoft office 365 version.  how there online retailers sell outlook 2016 stand alone product, advise genuine version , microsoft auto updates install updates...etc.  

how can be? they advertise stand alone outlook 2016 same version version if sunscribed office true?

i using outlook small business includes outlook 2007.  microsoft no longer support outlook 2007 after october 2017 ready new version not want "lease" , pay yearly renewal office 365.  seeing online same, and, run same 365 version....and open , run outlook 2007  .pst files (mail) , calandar?

***subject edited clarity moderator.***

office 2016, , individual components available on lifetime licenses type, ms doesn't make easy find individual components, , yes same outlook under 365

Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 2016


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