trying create mailing labels contacts in apple contacts. can set word doc using mail merge, , drag , drop fields apple contacts want include in label. however, information not populated beyond first record, when complete merge, end 1 record per page. please help.
> however, information not populated beyond first record
after lay out fields label 1, have "propagate" fields other labels. when first set label merge, word presents dialog box lets lay out fields, , propagates them when have finished. after that, if lay out fields manually directly in first cell, have click button word propagate them - this:

also, when click { a } button in section 5 of dialog, word should toggle between "field code" view , "field results" view. in "field code" view, there should 1 { next } field @ beginning of every label except first label on sheet.
(this assuming chose "labels..." in section 1 of dialog).
Office / Word / Mac / Office 2011 for Mac
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