Creating a Mail Merge with Word 2011 for Mac and Apple Contacts - Microsoft Community

trying create mailing labels contacts in apple contacts. can set word doc using mail merge, , drag , drop fields apple contacts want include in label. however, information not populated beyond first record, when complete merge, end 1 record per page. please help. 

however, information not populated beyond first record

after lay out fields label 1, have "propagate" fields other labels. when first set label merge, word presents dialog box lets lay out fields, , propagates them when have finished. after that, if lay out fields manually directly in first cell, have click button word propagate them - this:

also, when click { a  } button in section 5 of dialog, word should toggle between "field code" view , "field results" view. in "field code" view, there should 1 { next } field @ beginning of every label except first label on sheet.

(this assuming chose "labels..." in section 1 of dialog).

Office / Word / Mac / Office 2011 for Mac


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