Occasional very large text in forwarded emails (outlook 2016) - Microsoft Community

i'm using outlook 2016 under windows 10, , when forward message arrives parts grossly enlarged. below typical example. ideas?

from: keith miller

sent: wednesday, july 26, 2017 1:24 am

to: 'lesley johnson'

cc: 'vivienne miller'

subject: re: message lesley in cape town

dear lesley,

your school year radically different ours if holidays end on 17th july – ours have barely got started! i’m sure have house week before if gavin can fiddle week getting close reasonable holiday.

we’d love see if on later in year. have no plans away here until october. uk phone number have correct, italian 1 no longer exists. mobile +44 7766 708 312.

we hope you’ll able come , see us,


keith & vim

from:lesley johnson [email removed moderator ]
sent: 25 july 2017 09:07
to: keith miller
 [email removed moderator] 
subject: re: message lesley in cape town

dear keith ,

sadly message above didn't show error. there when pressed submit, vanished in transmission. random selection of words @ perhaps 48pt. can't find way attach screenshot message.

Office / Outlook / Other/unknown / Office 365 for business


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