How to Merge Multiple Footnotes into One Footnote - Microsoft Community


thanks in advance offering suggestions. i using endnote x8 , microsoft office 2016.

i typically attribute footnote/citation individual sentence while i'm writing. way, if want place sentence elsewhere in later draft, can merely cut , paste sentence (with citation) , move it. 

however, when i'm finished , ready submit/publish, i'll end paragraph contains x amount of footnotes. have included example here. find superscripts cluttered , rather have 1 footnote at end of paragraph that, in order appear in paragraph, includes citation information of previous x footnotes. have included second example show my ideal preference. 

however, way manually creating new footnote , manually inserting, in order, citations i've used. is there easier way accomplish this? in other words, perhaps way can tell microsoft word merge footnotes 1-3 1 footnote? 

i appreciate advice , apologize if question has been asked in advance. did not know how search solution problem.

thank you,



***pii masked forum moderator***

hi rami,


when copy , paste several sentences include footnotes, paste footnotes 1 one , in order displayed in first picture provided, way how footnote works, not merge them 1 footnote.


and there no out of box feature available in word let merge multiple footnotes, may need manually create new footnote , insert document.


if you'd have feature in word 2016 mac let merge multiple footnotes easily, welcome post idea in word uservoice. best way submit feature request related team.


other community members have experience how merge multiple footnotes 1 footnote in easier way welcome share insights here.




Office / Word / Mac / Office 2016 for Mac


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