New Outllook.pst file - Microsoft Community

i noticed in c:\users\jack\appdata\local\microsoft\outlook there 2 pst/ost files accounts

*** email address removed privacy *** and *** email address removed privacy *** - new outllook.pst

note second 1 has 2 "l"s in outllook. when searched "new outllook" got no results. ideas? seemed weird find no references on google.

this folder shows 2 similar pst/ost files hotmail , gmail accounts.

office/outlook 2010 creates pst data file on first use , if add imap mail account create *.ost data file, named per imap mail address

the pst data file, default named outlook.pst ----------- if have labeled outllook.*** that's down users thick fingers


any hotmail account should have been migrated exchange type account, , outlook connector no longer used

Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 2010


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