Outlook 2016 - Microsoft Community

hi have office 365 , loaded outlook 2 email addresses worked fine until today. new microsoft surface pro tablet.

when try load outlook following error message:

"! cannot start microsoft outlook. cannot open outlook window. set of folders cannot opened. unexpected error has occurred".

which error message use chocolate teapot.

i have browsed these pages , have checked have latest drivers.  outlook not open in safe mode either.

has ideas please?

by way other office programmes (word, excel, powerpoint, notes etc) work fine.

hi peter,


thanks post.


since problem related outlook client, please run microsoft support , recovery assistant office 365 , select outlook > outlook won’t start troubleshoot problem.


also, please provide following information further processing:

1. detailed version of outlook client.

2. did changes before problem occurs? example, installed add-in?

3. screenshot of error message.




Office / Outlook / Windows other / Office 365 for business


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