Outlook 365 not moving inbox emails to folders - Microsoft Community

hi there,

could please explain me why hell emails move in outlook 365 not moved other folders?

problem in steps:

-i search specific subject in inbox

-i select bunch of emails there

-i click on move

-i select folder want move to
-i click move

-email still in inbox.

im playing around hour , annoying.


hi boedescn,

i failed reproduce issue in lab. please check following , test again?

1. make sure outlook client version date. (go file > office account > update options - update now). 

2. check if can move emails other folder directly without searching.

if issue persists, please provide following information us.

1. detailed outlook version build.

2. how did bunch selecting behavior, pressing ctrl button?



Office / Outlook / Windows other / Office 365 for business


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