SKYPE for BUSINESS - Microsoft Community

i downloaded skype business onto windows 10 mobile phone.

when go launch after typing in users credentials (username , password)

it comes error message saying cannot connect. tried brand new phone out of box , still doing same thing.

any feedback great!


hi ross,

skype business connected, recommended related dns records (especially, autodiscover 'cname' record) of domain (skype business account) has been added correctly. since issue persists in brand new phone, issue should not related phone's side more related dns records' side. more information, can refer (lyncdiscover of 6 cname records). if not sure this, can contact admin it. meanwhile, need collect skype business account in the private message (pm) checking. 

definitely, if skype business account doesn't have valid skype business online license, should not able sign on phone.

if issue persists, may upload screenshot of error message on phone while try signing skype business.


Office / Skype for Business / Other/unknown / Office 365 for business


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