Embed video from onedrive causes redirection of parent page - Microsoft Community


i have created code video onedrive storage

<iframe src="https://onedrive.live.com/embed?cid=6aa950232a3dd9fd&resid=6aa950232a3dd9fd%21122466&authkey=aa7roncqfivs3de" width="320" height="180" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen>

but when placing on website, causes redirection of parent page video.

if modify code this:

<iframe sandbox="allow-same-origin allow-forms allow-scripts" src="https://onedrive.live.com/embed?cid=6aa950232a3dd9fd&resid=6aa950232a3dd9fd%21122466&authkey=aa7roncqfivs3de" width="320" height="180" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" allowfullscreen>

to prevent redirection, see these errors in web browser's console , video not showing:

again, happens not time, , it's annoying...

how fix this?

hello akhmed,

your issue needs in-depth technical assistance can resolved posting query our microsoft technet forum. forum community has professionals , specialists can provide tips , steps address query.

if have other questions, let know. 

OneDrive / Working with files and folders on OneDrive / Sharing files and folders / OneDrive Web (OneDrive.live.com)


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