Junk email settings not working - Microsoft Community

i using office 2016 (desktop version) manage email (not outlook.com or hotmail.com). account imap account , seems working fine.

i have set junk mail options 'safe lists only'. still getting email not want in inbox.

even when mark email address (and domain) blocked, still not being filtered out. if click on actual email , select 'block...', email moved junk, , sender added blocked list, subsequent emails not moved - still end in inbox.

looking around internet, can see lots of discussion threads around (some going years). seems such basic feature should work (i know in other email clients).

i can set rules check contacts list - work (so why doesnt junk email options). problem here receive emails many users @ different companies. dont want add them contacts , want add domain. rules, however, not allow add safe domains.  you can search words in email addresses checks part of address (ie if receive 'xxx <*** email address removed privacy ***>' **** , not rest of it). bit of pain manage rule when 'right click , never block senders domain' want do.

has managed work (properly) , ms doing such basic feature ?

its poor customer service paid product cant make basic features work


this have happened due several reasons configuration settings on outlook. suggest apply rule email accounts set in outlook, select create rule on accounts check box.

we suggest follow steps provided on article for managing email messages using rules.

let know if need further assistance.

Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 2016


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