Powerpoint 365 , no shapes showing up in the insert menu - Microsoft Community

hi user reporting me re-occuring problem no shapes displayed in insert menu.  i 've searched many web article found nothing special.

-i tought fixed problem @ first doing online replair problem re-occured right after.   user told me @ next occurence reboot fixed problem.

-he working on microsoft surface latest gen/windows 10

ms office 365 mso 16.0.7726.1042  32 bits.

hi ydna_andy,

please run powerpoint in safe mode, check if still see same behavior:


  1. right-click start button (lower-left corner) in windows , click run.
  2. type powerpnt /safe and click ok.


note: stop office safe mode, exit , restart office application. start in normal mode unless there's problem opening application.


also, please check if have custom add-in installed may reflecting behavior. check, follow steps below:


  • in powerpoint application create new presentation, click file > options > add-ins.
  • at bottom of dialog box, change the manage dropdown to com add-ins, , select go.
  • clear checkbox enabled com add-ins. select ok.


if issue persists, please provide following information:


  1. provide screenshot of office 2016 product information. screenshot, open powerpoint 2016 on system, click file>account, capture screenshot of information mentioned under product information.
  2. a screenshot of insert ribbon powerpoint.
  3. did make recent changes in system resulting in disappearance of shapes?
  4. if possible, please sign in computer , use office affected user account, see if same thing happens.




Office / PowerPoint / Windows 10 / Office 365 for business


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