Can anyone assist me. I have had Office 365 since it came out, company - Microsoft Community

can assist me. have had office 365 since came out, company decided did not download software work, work email company portal. have totally screwed paid subscription.

issues: work email our portal outlook, use mac.  it has totally screwed everything, each day getting worse,

now email personal email accts doing never saw before..saving email drafts?!

i did not download software since have , told them, have messed up. not put in see have email , files in onedrive, ready scream. have uninstalled , reinstalled same thing.

can other there assist me, because personal email files , folders showing in work email folders



to better assist regarding concern, know more issue answering following questions below:

  • what version of office using?
  • are using 1 microsoft account access office application?
  • what email domain?
  • what portal using?

we forward response.

Office / Outlook / Mac / Office 365 Home


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