Enabling Greyed-Out "Lock Anchor Feature" - Microsoft Community

hello ms team:

i'm bit frustrated because can't utilize "lock anchor" feature within outlook 2016.  i'll include snapshot bring visual surrounding puzzled inquiry.

  •  what i'm trying achieve:

i'd able lock down picture i've inserted body of email can utilize "shapes" tools highlight or surround line of text or specific item within graphic i've inserted when do, shapes feature doesn't move different part of area i'm targeting enduser see.  

  •  what feature allow me enable lock anchor feature can use lock down picture or graphic in body of email?

i hope makes sense-- i've tried clarify as possible.

here's couple of snapshots:

hopefully there's way engage feature , make more readily accessible. might guys can talk developers before next version of outlook released public.  it sure helpful.  it's simple feature, powerful in respect of how can used lock pics , graphics down in body of email.

many in advance,


[ moved from: outlook.com / options , settings / email settings ]

hi mark,


thanks post, understand want enable lock anchor feature on outlook mac.


if want enable lock anchor on outlook mac, can try change  wrapping style other styles except “in line text”, can’t enable lock anchor when using “in line text”.


when using other wrapping style, square, tight, or others, can enable below:




thanks understanding


Office / Outlook / Mac / Office 2016 for Mac


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