"Para Keep with Next" has disappeared from QAT list of - Microsoft Community

use paragraph keep next alot, have had in qat.  up until morning, find in list of available commands listed in qat customization dialog, no longer there.  the command has disappeared qat.  i loaded pretty extensive windows update morning...has para keep next been intentionally removed (and if so, why??)?  is there other way useful shortcut qat?

the important question is: version , build of office have? if it's version 1706 build 8229.2073, large number of commands accidentally removed qat customization lists. includes paragraph commands except paragraph formatting , paragraph settings, , seemingly random selection of others. far can tell, however, didn't remove buttons qat, ones commands disappeared customization lists.

i expect next office update fix situation. in meantime, can assign keyboard shortcut parakeepwithnext command.

if have other version/build, please let know is, , i'll pass developers.

Office / Word / Windows 10 / Office 2016


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