Layout in Sway - Microsoft Community


it possible have different layout in each slide sway? (scroll vertical , scroll horizontal)

additional question:

how can have title below picture , below text bullet?

what need have picture in whole screen text tittle?

what need have presentation modus without frame computer or internet?

thanks , kind regards,


hi pablo,

the layout applies entire sway.  1 way possibly accomplish embedded sways:  make new sway show on each slide , set child sways desired layout , put embed code in new embed cards in 1 parent sway.

if referring title card, @ top of sway , cannot put after other content.  however, try not using title card , instead putting title content heading 1 card allowed come after content.

if put image title or heading card, in many of layout , design choice combinations, image end full screen title text on top of it.  try different design choices or use remix! button check these out.

to rid of browser ui, you'll need go browser full screen mode which, browsers, accomplished f11 key.

hope helps!


Office / Sway / Windows 10


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