MS Apps storage usage on iPad - Microsoft Community

use powerpoint on  ipad.  the powerpoint storage usage on ipad 803 mb of 587 mb documents & data.  my primary objective free storage trying understand being used for.  i guessing of 587 mb ppt documents opened.  so, hoping find these documents , delete them.  however when  i click on open, see following locations: onedrive - personal (no documents in location), ipad - empty, icloud drive - empty.  i expecting see these documents in ipad location said couldn't find any.  can me (1) how free space (without deleting app), (2) why not see ppt files in ipad location, (3) 587 mb storage being used for?   appreciate can provide.

hi sam,

we noticed post idle quite time , apologize late response. make follow regarding concern. verify, still have concerns powerpoint on ipad?

regarding storage usage, size you're seeing cache files of powerpoint. part of settings of program/app , if clear these, settings go along app deleted. free storage space start basic or scratch. can check cache files on file folder on device.

for further assistance on how clear cache on ipad, can touch device manufacturer have appropriate resources , can provide best advice it.

feel free post if have further questions or future concerns.

Office / PowerPoint / iPhone & iPad / Office 365 Home


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