Outlook 2016 Duplicate Messages with a POP3 account - Microsoft Community

with email address, can't have imap , duplicates keep coming in spite of supposedly being solved last year.

i upgraded outlook 2007 office 2016.

outlook 2007 fine no problems issue outlook 2016.

i've tried available fixes find none work.

i have office professional plus 2016 version 1710 (build 8625.2132 click run). updates have been downloaded , installed.

please help, driving me mad.

the suspect add-ins adobe & acrobat av kaspersky should not cause issues.

the default polling interval (auto send/receive) 30 minutes have changed below 10 minutes can cause problems.

with ol closed have run inbox repair tool, scanpst against data file, if find/fixes errors run again/again until finds no more fix https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/272227/how-to-repair-your-outlook-personal-folder-file--pst

having done ms utility find critical problems? https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/download/details.aspx?id=36852

Office / Outlook / Other/unknown / Office 2016


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