Viewing Unread Mail - Microsoft Community

attempting configure ms outlook 2016 handle mail in more logical manner, similar typical foss muas “claws-mail.”
after great deal of trial , error,  able configure outlook display emails sorted subject , sorted date oldest newest.
problem cannot find way have outlook go first , oldest unread message in folder default. also, want configure go next unread message in thread , not following message, read or unread, without hassle of creating "search" folders, etcetera both time consuming , counterproductive.
outlook have these capabilities? belong several email forums , outlook's default behavior not helpful. not going go grotesque “top posting” style or inability allow formatting of “attribution” line(s). day.

in msg if access view ribbon, types of view settings shown, there no default view such, view select.

and no ol not going work in way wish.

i think refer linux file type/setting, personably i've no idea how type viewed. 

Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 365 Home


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