in outlook how can I fix not being able to click on hyperlinks in - Microsoft Community

in outlook how can fix not being able click on hyperlinks in email , cannot cut , paste in windows 7

hi micki,

in cases, issue may occur due incorrect registry entries on outlook 2016. know more concern outlook 2016 application, clarify following:

  • have made recent changes on outlook 2016 app prior issue?
  • are there error messages displayed when clicking hyperlinks on outlook 2016?
  • is there specific application cut , paste option doesn't work?

meanwhile, recommend following troubleshooting steps provided on article fix issue on outlook 2016.

note: modifying registry incorrectly may cause serious problems on computer. please follow steps correctly avoid inconvenience on pc. suggest backing registry before modifying it. click link on how , restore registry in windows.

we'll keep eye out response.

Office / Outlook / Windows other / Office 365 Home


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