Not receiving some important emails - Microsoft Community


i have important problem. i'm looking job i'm in contact lot of companies. problem don't receive email (not in "junk email" folder). it's poblematic, because know it, because in contact company before haven't email, if try contact me through email might never know it.

first of i've noticed yesterday (13.12.2017) when exchanging emails 1 recruiter. able recive email him , external domain invitation test, mentioned sent me test. doman told me other test wasn't able receive sent 2 emails: *** email address removed privacy *** , *** email address removed privacy ***. haven't received any.

another problem other recruiter able send emails, couldn't receive ( i've tried add them "trust sender", after doing still haven't got email.

could please tell me if can check if email blocked before getting me , where?

before problems happened of job emails redirected spam folder, @ least there. don't receive anything.

i need solve problem asap, don't wanna miss job oportunity.

thanks help,


microsoft processes inbound email , if item on blacklist rejected , message goes no further in processing.

your safe sender processed after microsoft tries determine if item spam or not. no, doesn't matter blacklisted domains. / Email / Sending, receiving, and reading email


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