Outlook 2010 Cannot Receive/Send - Microsoft Community

i starting outlook 2010 send email.

when ms office dialog popped stating needed configured (not needed in 7 years have owned product).

i agreed , several minutes later, go. thought.

but found not send or receive emails.

i found locked out of looking @ account settings.

i noticed the "file" tab orange.

a message dialog showed upgrade in process , needed "upgrade outlook connector".

the "upgrade now"  button not respond.

pressing account settings button show list included account settings. pressing button nothing.

did let malware in?

should delete current copy of outlook , reinstall fresh copy?

if do, how save contact list , past emails?

even though cannot receive emails on desk top computer, can on iphone ***personal information deleted security reasons.*** or cell phone ***personal information deleted security reasons.*** .

thank you; phillip marshall

hello phillip,

apologize delay in addressing concern , want make sure issue gets resolved. doesn't caused malware. however, few possible reasons can cause of problem including incorrect email account settings. identify cause of issue, know following information:

  • are using microsoft email account ends in @outlook.com, @live.com, @hotmail.com, or @msn.com?
  • how email account configured in outlook (pop, imap or exchange)?

in meantime, recommend repair office installation on computer before reinstalling fresh copy of outlook. scans corruptions in office system files , restores corrupted files. can refer following article steps on how repair office: repair office application.

suggest try repairing outlook profile fix corruptions. repair profile, may refer following link: fix outlook email connection repairing profile.

looking forward reply.

Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 2010


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