Sharing with partners - Microsoft Community


we have need exchange files 1 of our partners. requirement need upload , download. 

what recommended solution either sharepoint or odfb, in order accomplish this, while maintaining anonymity within our sharepoint environment, partner unable view other users, content, etc..., other contents of folder (odfb) or document lists (sp site)?

i've played around in past, found sp sites had visibility other content. 



hi mike,

eternal users using microsoft accounts or other tenant's office 365 accounts. partner need login using microsoft accounts, not need open link email after initial login - yes, can bookmark library/folder url, again, make sure it's clear, need use microsoft/office 365 account.

the option not send email there existing external users in tenant. if user has logged in before - whether it's different library/site, his/her profile in sharepoint, "invitation" providing access user, , user can open library via url.

to revoke external user's privileges, there few levels can it.

if wish delete his/her access entirely tenant, can folow article:

revoke sharing privileges external users.

if wish remove access particular library, can go shared tab > advanced and remove user's permission.



Office / SharePoint Online / Windows other / Office 365 for business


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