WORD FOR MAC 2016 FONT PROBLEMS - Microsoft Community

split thread.

i having similar issue, related special characters. e.g. when try include accented letters (with dictionary set english main language being used), font automatically changed times new roman helvetica , can't changed back. if select single character , try change font tnr, stays in helventic. 

so, example:

são pualo appears in in tnr, ã in helvitica

mañana appears in tnr, ñ in helvetica.


does know if compatibility bug? ms word , high sierra both date. 

as side note, since upgrading, fonts in powerpoint have taken on mind of own. 

any suggestions? 

hi interjectionculture,


based on description, font of accented letters changed helvetica when set font times new roman. clarify situation, we'd confirm information.


1. problem happened before? , since when encounter problem?


2. please provide screenshot of symptom. if use other fonts not times new roman, have same problem?


3. we'd confirm version of word using, can check in word > word.




Office / Word / Mac / Office 2016 for Mac


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