Project Master File Sharing - Microsoft Community

is able tell me how share master project file information in linked sub-projects able seen?

eg. sending our master schedule tour client , have several sub-projects linked it. information in sub-project not visible client because when open master file project unable find sub-project file.

if send them sub-project files location name changes , links broken.

has got ideas me?


yes. linked master files prone file corruption if ever rename, move or over-write of files. storing them on disk physically not in building not idea either.

so try creating unlinked master files (uncheck link option each insert).

this creates master task data, consolidates resource info , creates great snapshot reporting , audit purposes.

i use macro recreate new master each week. record macro of doing 1 manually basic code. make sure file, new first recorded action.

Office / Project / Windows 10 / Office 365 for business


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