Skype Phone System/PSTN Users not obeying CsCallingLineIdentity - Microsoft Community

we're experiencing ongoing issue outgoing caller id being inconsistent users utilizing skype pstn dialing (us):

  • we have ~450u across 20 sites in us.
  • each site has published number (defined service number), points aa scoped users @ each site
  • each user @ site has cscallinglineidentity policy defined such users within:
  • identity : tag:ftc_cid description : enableuseroverride : false servicenumber : 1970484**** callingidsubstitute : service blockincomingpstncallerid : false
  • we've had multiple users @ multiple sites (no rhyme or reason) spontaneously ignore the cscallinglineidentity policy, , broadcast lineuri/direct number instead of service number defined in policy.
  • in testing, we've observed instances alternating calls result in call #1 displaying service number, call #2 displaying lineuri, etc.  multiple carriers (verizon wireless/att wireless in recent case).  when directed support obtain tracing logs affected users, we'll regularly find we're unable replicate issue time can coordinate testing.  
  • in 1 edge case, user broadcasted our lone conference bridge dial-in number client (as verified screenshots of client's call logs).  conference bridge number in our tenant, not defined in any cscallinglineidentity policy, , should never broadcast outbound cid.

another thread others experiencing same issue can found at

the vast majority of users (to our knowledge) don't appear have issues, small subset seems shift on daily basis does.  called party doesn't know expect cid, we're assuming there's lot of instances of happening aren't being reported.

hello justin,


as per knowledge, can't assign these types of phone numbers outbound caller id, please confirm them on side:

  1. any phone numbers classified a user in calling plans telephone number inventory.
  2. a skype business server on-premises phone number.


meanwhile, organization using pure skype business server or office 365 support caller id functionality? since policy isn't available in skype business 2015 server, unless skype business server 2015 server cu5 , beyond.


moreover, can provide detailed steps how create policy , assign users further analysis? for privacy concern, have sent private message collect it. can open community profile , click view private message access it.





Office / Skype for Business / Other/unknown / Office 365 for business


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