Applescript error - Microsoft Community

split thread.

i error when trying use latest script:

error "microsoft outlook got error: can’t «class stor» of incoming message id 38588." number -1728 from «class stor» of incoming message id 38588

any appreciated.


hi adam,


thanks post. further help, may know apple script run? whether have same issue (remove duplicate contacts , mails in outlook 2016 mac) previous thread or not?


if have same issue removing duplicate contacts , mails in outlook 2016 mac, there no office article it. based on test , search, can delete them 1 one. merging duplicate contacts , emails different attributes office 365 contacts in outlook mac, love hear comments , suggestions of teams. send thoughts follow:


if have issue apple script, suggest can contact dedicated apple support. welcome community members share experience issue in our community.




Office / Outlook / Mac / Office 365 for business


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