Flash-embedded videos are no longer supported : Powerpoint 2010 - Microsoft Community

when trying play youtube videos in powerpoint 2010 error "flash-embedded videos no longer supported" , provides hyperlink youtube site. there update caused happen or flash not supported powerpoint 2010 stated in error. recent articles indicate still supported. 


issue you’ve encountered regarding error message receive while using program may caused add-ins. sort out concern, suggest download additional program provided on link. once you’re on page, may click shockwave flash player button under powerpoint 2010 section. take manufacturer’s website, go bottom of page, , click shockwave player button under download section. click download button , follow on-screen instructions complete process. once you’re done may check if issue persists.

additionally, if issue continues, may run repair option control panel. process scan , correct possible cause of issue. this, may follow steps provided in article on how repair office application. choose operating system using , proceed steps under repair office control panel section, , complete process.

keep updated concern additional.

Office / PowerPoint / Windows other / Office 2010


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