Why does Word 2016 undo ONE letter at a time instead of my last - Microsoft Community

this problem began recent windows feature update. before whenever used ctrl+z, word undoes last word typed, or whole section of texts erased holding backspace button. now, have hold ctrl+z word recreate erased. 

don't give me update this-version-or-that version answer, or tapping insert overtype or whatever (https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/msoffice/forum/msoffice_word-mso_win10/cant-undo-whole-words-word-2015-and-2016/fc9b90e5-dbf4-4c57-a1bf-681c121816ce), i've tried , did not work.

i don't know going on development team , frankly don't care. word 2010 got works fine , perfect way is. microsoft making windows , products extremely clunky , counter-ergonomic. please fixed already!


your concern word can due changes in configuration and/or broken system files. better understand concern, we'd know following:

  • if you've installed office add-ins word prior concern.
  • if you've experienced same concern when using other office applications such excel , powerpoint.
  • the version of office 2016 you're using on device. check this, can perform steps posted on link.
  • the version , build of windows 10 you're using on device. check this, can perform steps posted on link.

in meantime, we'd recommend repairing application revert configuration default fix broken system files. this, can perform steps posted on link.

we forward response.

Office / Word / Windows 10 / Office 2016


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