Word 2010 Opens Read Only Locally - But Not By Person Doing Remote - Microsoft Community

we have employee running word 2010 (win7 64 / ad network) annoying bug started few months ago.

  1. if uses open dialogue box within word (which does) , opens document, open in read mode forcing save under new name.
  2. when shadow (remote control) computer , exact same thing - opens normally. (i know! makes 0 sense.)

what have tried far:

  1. office repair.
  2. reinstalling office.
  3. disabling add-ins. (she didn't have any, though.)
  4. checking / resetting trust center settings including protected view, trusted locations (etc.), privacy options, save settings drop down.

she can around opening documents windows file folder instead, hassle , hugely aggravating.

any thoughts on how correct this? tia!


hi john,

when open word document, allows user have full access on file. regarding concern, need identify what's causing document open in read only status. recommend perform clean boot in windows computer eliminate software conflicts. once done, kindly repair word app , check if can open word document normally.

let know if works you.

Office / Word / Windows other / Office 2010


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