New files get opened in Compatability Read Only format. Why is - Microsoft Community

i called various offices them solve problems windows situations.

a new account shows me when create new windows doc in folder, can name , enter information when save it, shows in "compatibility read-only mode".  has not been seen if new document created on desk top.this not predictable.  other times in "compatibility mode" , not "read only".  stated seeing year ago happened felt maybe falling wintrap , needed know how avoid it.  quite apparent not doing nothing wrong.

is there intelligent it?
fix feature

hi gary,



the user applied macro on file, user not author of file, , file created using older version of office application few of possible reasons why file appear in read-only format or in compatibility mode. isolate concern, need answer following:


  • which windows 10 build using?
  • which office 2016 version , build using?
  • does happen when word in safe mode? click here instructions on how open word in safe mode.
  • can provide screenshot of error message might receiving?
  • is happening on newly created documents or specific document?
  • is shared document?
  • is document created using older version of office?
  • have tried checking if have 2 versions of office installed on computer?
  • did make changes before issue happened?
  • what troubleshooting steps have done far?


we waiting response.

Office / Word / Windows 10 / Office 2016


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