Word 2016 Table of contents - Microsoft Community

i having issues table of contents.  of headings showing dot leaders ahead of title instead of after.  have tried no leaders, leaves same amount of space between roman numerals , first letter in title.  have tried different styles, doesn't help.  find nothing pertaining issue anywhere online after searches.  dots push title way right until first letter shows , rest on next line.  see picture below, print layout, shows similar in web layout , prints out this.  heading in correct style, copied 1 before , pasted over, changed nothing except wording.  did notice seems on lines long roman numerals.

by default, each heading number followed tab character. reflected in table of contents well, have paragraph number, tab character, text of paragraph, tab character , page number @ right margin.

what have adjust positions tab stops within toc accommodate numbers. specifically, try moving tab stop tab after number farther right.

this task easier if first display nonprinting marks, example clicking ΒΆ icon on home tab.

click in relevant toc entry , drag tab stops on ruler. (that works because toc styles set update automatically default.)

Office / Word / Windows 10 / Office 2016


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