1 draft multiplied to over 10,000!!?? - Microsoft Community

i saved draft on hotmail account.  didn't know @ first, after little time, noticed "drafts" folder showing on 10,000!  stop, shut down computer.  wonder if hadn't done that, how many drafts of ended with?  idea on how restore drafts folder, without having go delete each of thousands of drafts?  couldn't find help, on "search".  

good evening, know how keep mail multiplying, when saving it?  working on letter , decided save draft.  few minutes later noticed still saving it, because "drafts" count way there, 1,000 on 10,000.  know how save single draft, without having multiplying / repeating / replicating same  e-mail on , over?  

and know how take off thousands of e-mails, without having each 1 individually.  i've got maybe close thousand i've collected on years, i'd keep.  want know easy way take care of problem also?

Outlook.com / Email / Restore or recover messages


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