How can I find the 'clean' URL for a document or file in the - Microsoft Community

up until recently, nice clean url file in sharepoint online, in modern experience, used able restricted link (as per post:

this no longer case. if try go share, different experience , i've tried unable url http://site/documentlibrary/file.docx, etc without code. 

this really frustrating! know build url myself, beside point - want quick way urls lot throughout day.

hi gertie,

if want restricted link, please follow steps below:

select file>copy link>click drop down button , choose “specific people”>apply>get link

if want restricted link document id, please follow steps below so:

  1. navigate related site>site settings>site collection administration>site collection features>document id service>activate (this step needs admin permission)
  2. when enable document ids site collection, column added document , document sets content types @ site collection level. id assigned item appears in document id column. may take time complete.if don't see document id column, please wait it.
  3. select file>copy link>click drop down button , choose “specific people”>apply>get link. restricted link document id if file has got document id.



Office / SharePoint Online / Windows other / Office 365 for business


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