Old Hotmail accout has been hacked - can't get back in - Microsoft Community

i have old hotmail account created in 2000. haven't used @ fifteen years, have old accounts tied it. believe got 5 years ago , changed password more date. so, i've had access @ point.

when logged in recently, believe got correct password, because login told me "someone else using account." reset password again, , still receive same message. have gone through recovery process many times, cannot remember answer security question set long ago, nor of old passwords. i noticed default contact email security code email have never seen. have been blocked trying again. 

the microsoft support site spins me in circles. automated assistant no help, , sends me password reset page when says should speaking person. password reset page starts on again. cannot find way email person. not automated systems can correct.

i unsure go here.

Outlook.com / My Account and information / Other


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