The action couldn't be performed because Office doesn't - Microsoft Community

hi team,

i see "this action couldn't performed because office doesn't recognise command given" error 

when tried open .mpp file sharepoint online library. ms office , project professional has been reinstalled. internet explorer has been reset default settings.  please in getting issue fixed.



hi veeraj,

updates. appears local client issue.

please refer cliff's last reply let know correct reproducing steps can better investigate it.
per understanding, go sharepoint online library page, click on ellipsis of .mpp file , select open in project. correct? if not please inform us. and, isolate issue, may close onedrive client see outcome.

error message, checked similar threads, might related browser. may use compatibility view library page.
in addition, what's ie version? try other browsers?


Office / SharePoint Online / Windows other / Unknown/other


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