Alignment of audio file icon - Microsoft Community

when insert audio file powerpoint, default position of inserted icon in center of slide. blocks of text, i'd default position in bottom right corner of slide when audio file inserted.

i can move icon manually, have hundreds of slides for. there way change default alignment when inserting file? alternatively, there way align audio icons in presentation @ once? help!

a short macro move audio shapes.

sub fix_audio()
dim osld slide
dim oshp shape
each osld in activepresentation.slides
each oshp in osld.shapes
if oshp.type = msomedia then
if oshp.mediatype = ppmediatypesound then = activepresentation.pagesetup.slideheight - oshp.height
oshp.left = activepresentation.pagesetup.slidewidth - oshp.width
end if
end if
end sub

Office / PowerPoint / Mac / Office 2016 for Mac


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