Missing Contacts - Microsoft Community

as if starting morning today missing emails in outlook 2016 wasn't enough. now, went add new contact , contacts gone.

after reading thousands of comments others experience same issue, suggested fix email issue morning delete email account , add again. did bring in many of old emails (not all) , did not load recent emails. lost of inbox organizational subfolders. 

not have lost hours of productivity today, feel compelled pay professional step in see if can resolve. business owner, find these type of programming issues unacceptable. 

outlook used solid software. not purchasing further upgrades , will, unfortunately, resort tracking emails online.


hi debbie,

for isolate main issue, know if have tried checking account using web browser. also, using business account or personal account? know next course of action need take.

we waiting response.

Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 2016


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