MAC 2016 Word & Excel Merge - Microsoft Community

folks driving me crazy.  

when open word document associated excel document merge "this file needs opened excel workbook text converter, etc, etc, etc.  select ok , wait.  "open workbook" window pops up.    says "open document in workbook".  select "sheet1".  not put in cell range (it asks that) , click ok.   word doc open up.   have go "select recipients" in word.   select excel document information wish merge.  same message comes up!!!  "this file needs opened the......    (by way list of recipients never pops up)   @ point can merge.   when preview results (in word) can see each name hit right arrow button. 

i have done had suggests nothing rid of message.   cannot ms patch this???

each main mail merge document (letter, label, etc.) associated data source file of sort. association remains in effect unless user chooses specify different source same document.

the select recipients tool needs used when starting new main mail merge document or selecting different data source existing merge document... iow, once source has been specified there's no need click button each time use same main document. doing causes dialog appear second time in order select different data source file.

once open main document should able go ahead & use of other tools or finish & merge if there no changes made constraints.

Office / Word / Mac / Office 2016 for Mac


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