Outlook 2016 Auto-Complete for Contact Groups Not Working - Microsoft Community

split thread.

thanks both of replies , information how auto-complete works.  understand feature better now.  looks if send email group, auto-complete not remember group subsequent email.  auto-complete works fine individual addresses, not groups.

we using office 365 pro plus version 1707, build 8326.2073.  else here using 365 (v1707, later build) not have issue auto-complete remembering groups.  not huge problem (costs me click), it's odd used work , not.  same time group auto-complete stopped working, order of address books changed - moving local contacts below global contact list.  may unrelated, though.

if have other ideas may causing group auto-complete not work on pc, appreciate those.  otherwise, thank again responses - , auto-complete education!


hi there,

i have issue well.  autocomplete did work distribution lists in outlook 2010.  handy feature microsoft has removed in 2016/365?

thank you!


office 365 proplus version 1700, build 8431.2079

hi all,


i want inform looking issue. being investigated, , update have possible resolution issue. now, can pick local contact group address book or roll earlier version via https://support.microsoft.com/en-sg/help/2770432/how-to-revert-to-an-earlier-version-of-office-2013-or-office-2016-clic


i apologize inconvenience caused issue, , appreciate patience , understanding.


best regards,

Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Office 365 for business


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