Word 2010 - When I "Update entire table" (of - Microsoft Community

have re-baselined word document.  preliminary pages , toc numbered roman numeral page numbers.  end final toc page, have added next page section break.  remainder of document pages numbered continuous arabic-numbered pages, beginning "1."  after saving changes, toc looks fine, , works.  when update entire table, toc font returns original document font, final toc page's section break lost, , roman numeral page numbering lost.  pages become arabic-numbered continuous, "1" being "i" should be, of course makes toc incorrect well.  i'm @ loss.  ideas?  

hi susie,



we need additional details address concern. kindly answer following questions:


  • is issue happening documents table of contents, or isolated specific document?
  • aside updating table of contents, did make changes before issue happened?
  • have tried updating table of contents while word in safe mode?
  • have tried checking if tracking changes option enabled?
  • what troubleshooting steps have done far?


we waiting response.

Office / Word / Windows 10 / Office 2010


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