Email phishing scams keep coming through my focused box. Nearly a year - Microsoft Community

let me start of saying outlook twitter team little incompetent , seems dont use outlook themselves. if theres dont shot john story , twitter team did       

“thank info. can try logging in block spammers. since outlook ios has limited feature, can post added feature on outlook ios here: let know if have other questions.”          

firstly, i’ve blocked them. come back.

secondly, it’s exact damn same on

thirdly, combat against phising scams , answer of “added feature” damn right insulting sector of people combat internet fraud.        


lastly, engineers going this?

you guys helping scammers.

microsoft blocks on 2 billion spams day few bound through.

just continue put items in junk folder backend systems learn spam , isn't. / Email / Sending, receiving, and reading email


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