Outlook 2010 on PC 1 and Outlook 2007 on PC 2 searches started - Microsoft Community

we have 2 seperate windows laptops in office.

laptop 1 running windows 10 , outlook 2010

laptop 2 running windows 7 , outlook 2007

by co-incidence both laptops started experiencing problems respective outlook software because started indexing emails on both pc's.

these belong 2 seperate users way, although on same exchange.

the indexing takes place daily , never seems end. neither user has initiated rebuild of index or requested done. causing this?

on laptop 1, deleted profile , started fresh , opted work in online mode due many recent problems software crashing , profile becoming corrupted.

laptop 2 still experiencing problems , indexing happening daily, never ends.

does have possibe solution happening here?

hi adam,

this have happened due corrupted application. know more issue answering following questions below:

we forward response.

Office / Outlook / Windows other / Office 2010


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