Setting indents for multiple bulleted lists at once - Microsoft Community

i have several bulleted lists in document, , reason have different levels of indentation, regards distances between bullet point , (1) paper margin left, , (2) text right; settings thought governed respectively left , first line settings under paragraph. homogenise these indents across document, bulleted lists.

to end, right clicked style listparagraph , chose select instances. ticks ruler disappeared not set indents there, have been easiest. tried playing around 2 settings mentioned under paragraph - since values dont mean me, , there no apply button instantly see effect, hard adjust appropriate value.

can help? many thanks!

although can change indents in normal paragraphs (and styles) in paragraph dialog, in bulleted or numbered paragraphs/styles, indents @ left must set in define new multilevel list dialog.

the list paragraph style applied when apply bullets using bullets button in paragraph group on home tab. can use adjust list indents change indent settings of paragraphs in style, haven't modified style (if select paragraph , press ctrl+q, not default indent back, remove bullet). although can modify many aspects of style, in order change indents, have link level in define new multilevel list dialog, not listed available style there, isn't possible.

all of built-in bullets , list paragraph style not suitable requirements. if, instead, apply list bullet style (which can pressing ctrl+shift+l), bulleted paragraph flush left quarter-inch hanging indent, may want. if not, can modify list bullet style both through paragraph dialog (for indents) , through define new multilevel list dialog (where set indents , link level list bullet style).

for more on (and clearer), see

Office / Word / Windows 8 / Office 2016


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