Two Factor Verification for Outlook - It works but stopped 2 of my - Microsoft Community


i have installed 2fa sign outlook on laptop (windows 10).  installed microsoft authenticator on samsung phone.  works fine , can deny or allow sign in.

the set required new generated "app password" can access hotmail/outlook mail on

1.  "mail" on apple ipad (air 2)

2.  "email" on samsung galaxy 6 edge phone

i generated , both devices accepted passwords , can receive e-mail


both devices cannot send e-mail

messages are:

getting recipients e-mails

*** email address removed privacy *** (my hotmail address) unable fetch certificates server 

i grateful if can advise how solve problem otherwise need remove 2fa dearly not want do.


moved: / email / connecting apps , devices

using outlook app play store on android?

Office / Outlook / Windows 10 / Unknown/other


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