MS account breached but locked down. HOW did this happen? - Microsoft Community

ok kudos microsoft realizing login vietnam not me , locking account down.....the thing far.

so, how did happen?

i use 16 character passwords symbols, numbers, small letters , uppercase letters. how that? oh , use different ones on every site need login , use password manager, not browser one, save them access. nothing else broken in guessing have gone paypal, banking, etc before ms account if breach through password manager.

i glad not have tied account have been used take me. have ms account care windows 10 in utter stupidity needs have though dont use login anyway! deleted hotmail account because never secure enough got no less 6 emails having suspicious activity last year, closed, here go regular ms account.....

i want know how happened. want know if microsoft breached , information stolen or if lucky vietnamese person guessed 16 character password dumb luck. password hasn't been around long either brute force have taken many more years.

hi michael,

email increasingly common tool used communicate. main reason email accounts hacked access personal, sensitive, or confidential information might contain. harmful user , cause damage profiles on websites, bank accounts, , personal life.

there number of ways in hacker can illegally gain access email account, , majority of them rely on behavior of account's user. spam created attackers send unsolicited commercial or bulk email. virus incorporates email means of transportation. phishing type of cyber attack involves emails appear legitimate businesses user may associated with. these phishing emails scams designed though come claimed entity. these messages ask verification of personal information, such account number, password, or date of birth. twenty percent of unsuspecting victims respond, may result in stolen accounts, financial loss, or identity theft.

there no reports microsoft breached or compromised. rest assured account safe , secured. keep in mind whenever you're using different device check emails, ensure logout , change password if think device unsafe.

should need further assistance, feel free us.


MSN / Accounts, login, and signup / Other Microsoft account and profile items


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