where are my recent emails - Microsoft Community

outlook.com not display recent emails in inbox. but, if search emails person, see emails few days ago. but, in inbox, current email year ago. what's up?

[moved from: outlook.com / email / managing email folders ]

hi andy,

the way emails sorted may have caused inbox display old emails instead of new ones. assist such concern, we'd narrow down asking few questions:

  • were there changes made on outlook.com settings prior issue?
  • is focused inbox turned on? check, select filter @ top of message list, see if show focused inbox is enabled.
  • have checked deleted items folder if there emails deleted accident?
  • how emails being sorted? check, select filter @ top of message list, select sort by, see option selected.

we'll wait response , assist accordingly.

Outlook.com / Email / Sending, receiving, and reading email


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