PerkinElmer ChemDraw no longer opening in MS word 365 after recent - Microsoft Community

hi all,

i use chemdraw images in thesis highly convenient once copy-paste chemdraw can edit in-document double clicking on it, until now! automatic updates windows 10 os went ahead morning , when try use feature in word "word cannot open document: user not have access privileges.” message

this absurd author of both word document , chemdraw image , what's more feature still works on other computers haven't had automatic update thing causing sudden incompatibility

i spent literally 3 hours microsoft tech support , after trying system clean , reinstalling office suggest "update chemdraw". has else experienced this/know do?

thank kindly,


given perkinelmer chemdraw 3rd party application, suggest best place try , resolution problem contacting vendor determine if known issue impacts users have updated or specific system.

Office / Word / Windows 10 / Office 365 Home


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