What do do when Microsoft tech support is some scam company Somewhere - Microsoft Community

here problem i'm having (nov.6, 2017) have microsoft office/word mac, did month month subscription because can have tech support. program not opening , when shows 10 files. seems program corrupted.

this not scam people expect have. microsoft hired company (it may philippines, don't know, accent seems region , not easy understand them, not worst part) true scam.

i called report problem have tried solve on 2 months , lady lectures me can't recover file, explain not file, program not opening , says wants give me head up. thank , expect go on assistance reads page long not recovering files, listen , explain not recovering file , says going give me 'heads up'. goes on 3 or 4 times, ask please me issue ,  forget 'heads up'. hungs telephone.

i call against , wait , wait, when comes on asks problem when explain, hungs up.

i call again , wait , wait, know rest of story. goes not not twice or 3 times 5 times. , ask manager make complaint , lady--they sound alike, don't know if one--she asks kind of complaint , explalined 5 people hung on me no reason , says  a supervisor may or may not available, tell i'll wait check , hungs again. 6 hung ups. no need call

hi corumbala420

please confirm if office version 15.40.0 (build 17110800).

if troubleshoot issue , if getting “the application microsoft word quit unexpectedly” error in word, i’ll suggest try steps following article, see if fixes issue.

word mac closes unexpectedly or error "the application microsoft word quit unexpectedly"




Office / Word / Mac / Office 365 Home


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