Getting Error Word for Mac: Your account is only set up to View - Microsoft Community

help! today have started getting error says when launch word says "compile error hidden in module: link" when document opens says "view account doesn't allow editing on mac. learn more contact admin office plan." have not made changes ms office 365 plan, , have been using 2 years without incident. 

anyone else have issue , know how solve? need uninstall , reinstall word? 

i on deadline , timing not worse (thanks tech gremlins!)


hi marnie,


first, let check whether have valid license. please navigate office 365 subscriptions page office 365 account check if have latest desktop version of office license, necessary use desktop version of office.


if have valid license, please capture screenshot of office 365 subscriptions page let verify it, try following steps reactivate using office 365 account.


1.remove office 2016 mac activation files deactivate office:

right click @ finder , go ~/library/group containers folder, move these folders trash if present: 



2.activate office 2016 mac: open office applications such word, click word menu top menu , select activate office, enter office 365 business account , password.

for more details, can refer activate office 2016 mac.





Office / Word / Mac / Office 365 Home


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